This Secret Belgian bound journal is made specially Dr. Who Lovers of the TARDIS!
Doctor Who fans will love this royal blue Tardis journal which is hand stitched using the two part Secret Belgian Binding technique. The covers have hand made paper colored with royal blue.
The journal measures 8 1/2 " x 5 1/2" and has 8 signatures with 4 pages each. The total number of writing surfaces are 128 pages.
This journal is completely handmade. The hand made papercover uses the ancient method of beating fibers and catching them on a screen and pressing and drying them. Papermaking originated in China.
Secret Belgian Doctor Who Tardis Journal
The book board covers have board pieces glued in place to simulate the TARDIS shape from the popular British TV show, Doctor Who.
The Secret Belgian Binding is a two part process of stitching pages together to create a text block. Then the covers and spine are stitched on in a separate process.